Psychic Personality Disorders in psychological practice

7 года 11 мес. назад #176 от Vestik
Psychic Personality Disorders in psychological practice

V.A. Petkov
Ph.D., docent, professor of ICA (International Personnel Academy), Chair of the fundamental disciplines of Kherson Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.

В.А. Петьков
кандидат психологических наук, доцент, профессор МКА (международная кадровая академия), заведующий кафедрой фундаментальных дисциплин Херсонского института Межрегиональной академии управления персоналом.

The problem of personality disorders occupies one of the most important positions in the practical work of psychologist for the differentiation status of clients or patients to clearly define the forms and methods of work and counseling, and possibly further treatment from specialists. Actually, scientists Avedisova A., E. Akimkina, Akhapkina V., F. Belyalov, G.-U. Vitthen, I. Vlokh, A. Golubkov, G. Dyukova, Zislin I., O. Kerbikov V. Korkin, B. Cooperman, N. Lipgart, G. Morozov, R. Nadzharov, O. Napreenko, L. Novikova, E. Rytikov, A. Svyadosch, Snezhnevsky A., B. Spasennikov, Spasennikov S., S. Sukhanov, Tiganov A., E. Ushkalova, Fedin, V. Hramelashvili, N. Shumsky and others focuse on the mental aspects of manifestation, but at the same time, the problem has been mixed, and at certain stages requires psychological support and social adaptation.
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to briefly disclose the nature of these disorders for practicing psychologists for the timely forwarding of these patients.
The term «mental disorder» refers to a disease state of the individual, so in order to understand their characteristics, causes and over, you must have a clear understanding of these disorders, the peculiarities of their manifestation at the level of psychology and psychiatry. It should be noted that in the psychology of this term is defined at any mental state that is different from the psyche of a healthy personality. On this basis, the criteria of mental health disorders, psychiatrists consider the following: discontinuity sense of permanence and identity of their physical and mental «I»; lack of a sense of permanence and identity of experiences in similar situations; noncriticality in relation to himself and his own mental production (activity) and its results; mismatch of mental reactions (adequacy) strength and frequency of effects external irritants, social circumstances and situations; the inability of self management behavior according to the social norms, rules and laws; inability to plan their own livelihoods and to implement these plans; the inability to change the way of behavior, depending on the changing life situations and circumstances. In terms of psychiatry important indicator of diagnosis of personality disorder is to determine the symptoms and syndromes (symptoms) of mental illness as any disease, including mental – is primarily a collection of some of its manifestations. Private Psychiatry gives a description of specific mental illnesses – their causes, mechanisms of development, clinical manifestations, treatment and prevention. Therefore, on the basis of the foregoing, it is necessary to consider the basic symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders in order of aggravation – from light to deep.
Attention is drawn to an obsessional condition experiences in which manifest the specific thoughts, fears, doubts, and people recognize their own, they visit it again and again, it is impossible to get rid of them, despite the critical attitude towards them. Obsessions disorders can manifest itself in the forms of painful doubt, completely unnecessary, and sometimes absurd ideas, in an irresistible urge to double-check all your previous actions: a few times to check whether the flat light, whether the door is closed off – and it can be shown throughout the day [5].
Such disorders include obsessive fears – fear of heights, enclosed spaces, open spaces, commuting, etc. To remove the anxiety, inner tension, such person may be found a long time in the solitude, loneliness accompanying ritual actions – repeatedly wash their hands with soap and water, and if anything detracts from the ritual, he again and again starting the whole procedure from the beginning [1; 2; 3; 4].
So we have summarized the information of scientists, practitioners of the most common symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders, which will allow practical psychologists in the differentiation state of the client and will allow them to convert to specialists to provide qualified assistance.

1. Asthenic state. Manual for physicians. Group of authors. – SPb . : MMA, 2003. – 63 p.
2. Belyalov FI Mental disorders in the practice of the therapist / F.I. Belyalov. – Irkutsk: RIO IGMAPO, 2013. – 327 p.
3. Vitthen G.-U. Encyclopedia of Mental Health / Trans. with it. AND I. Sapozhnikova, E.L. Gushanskogo. – M. : Aleteya, 2006. – 552 p.
4. Zharikov N.M., Ursova L.G., Khritinin D.B., Psychiatry (textbook for medical students). – M., Medicine, 1998. – 496 p.
5. Kaplan G.I., Sedok B.J. Clinical psychiatry: in 2 volumes. – M. : Medicine, 1998. – 1398 p.

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